Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Celebrity Look-Alikes

I was reading through the New World Notes blog (a great read, btw), and found an old post about a face recognition feature of MyHeritage.com where you can upload a picture of yourself and it scans your bone structure, etc., to come up with a list of celebrities you most resemble.

The NWN article (from 2006) talked about the unusual number of Indian celebrity matches that avatars were getting. Since I am modeled loosely to resemble an Indian woman, I thought it would be neat to see if this program validated my self-perception. Turns out it does!

I ran several pictures to see if anyone in particular kept popping up. Here are my results:

Here's the first picture analysis

and then another

and one more for good measure

I got Priyanka Chopra 3 times for an average match of 72.3%. Not bad! And I also got "the most beautiful woman in the world," Aishwariya Rai once at 71%. In my book, I'd say that's a win.

For the heck of it, I ran a scan on a picture (which I've kept anonymous) of what I look like outside of the grid, and it came up with this, haha

So who do you look like?

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